Sunday, May 24, 2015

Please don't wonder what these doodles mean.  I don't  know.   The clown like one on the left - approx. 4 x 6 in.  was done while painting with my grand daughter, Genius #3 and it was just what came off my paintbrush.   The Lady with the somewhat yellow face and black hair, same thing,  - approx. 4 x 6 in. --it just is.   Last night I added some yellow streaks in gouache and tried to soften the yellowness but it is STILL yellow.  Never mind.  

This one - also 4 x 6 in.  --only reminds me of those toys we had as kids in the 50's that stood and had a weighted bottom so that if you bopped it and tried to knock it over, it always stayed upright.  This too was done while painting with Genius # 3.

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