Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Title: "Out & Awash Norfolk"
The event was called Out & About Norfolk 2008, and it rained the whole 2 1/2 day event, thus the title.

Prize winner! The Marie Dornhecker Foundation "In the French Tradition"

In spite of the rain, this event remains one of  the highlights of my year for the 2nd year in a row.

It was begun as a sketch for a large painting, but the large one simply would not dry, so I decided to finish the small one at least. I was literally standing on the sidewalk with my umbrella, then walking over to my table under the arch and painting. Back and forth, back and forth.

d"ART center fed me on Thursday. Coffee and bagels free from Yorgo's on Friday.

Big crowd showed up for the Wet Painting sale.  Two more people told me they were going to buy my painting, but it was already gone!